My most favorite vacation ever was the Church History Tour that I went on. It was such an amazing experience for me to help strengthen me. I was in a rough position before I left that I didn't let anyone know about. At first I was really worried about the trip. I was worried about the people and the just being gone for two weeks. I was self conscious. At first I was going because my friend wanted me too, and in the end I figured out I went for me. I loved this trip. More than words could ever explain. The places Sister and Brother Ewell take you have the spirit everywhere. Even in New York. There wasn't a day that I asked myself why am I here. I knew exactly why I was there. To strengthen my testimony and my self. I met some of the greatest and most friendliest friends on this trip. Friends I know will last a life time. This trip helps anyone find themselves. My most memorable places were Adam-Ondi-Ahman, Sacred Grove, of course New York, everywhere. I just loved it, period end of story. There were a couple days where I had already been to a couple places before. But learning about them in a whole new way helped me a lot. The trip was so much fun that I didn't want to leave. I still don't want to be home. For about a week I wasn't used to not having wake up calls, my door taped shut at night, my chaperones, Sister and Brother Ewell. I miss this trip. Recommended to all.