Monday, December 15, 2008
snowing in vegas???
yup it's true!!! our backyard is filled with snow and the park by our house is filled completely too!!! love love love love love love love the snow!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
the joys of having matt at home!

well when matt comes home i get grilled about boys, i get threats that he will kill the boys, my little sister makes up lies to tell him so i get grilled some more. we fight and i say it's time for you to go back to armenia, maybe you'll come home a little more humble. I say your still weird and you've been off your mission for almost 7 months (aren't you supposed to be normal yet?!) life gets harder with the pops and and the momma. we wrestle and i always LOSE. i try taking a nap or sleep in and i get bombarded with matts butt. we have tickle fights. we listen to mom sing love at home when helen and matt and i are fighting. dad loses his temper A LOT, because he can't focus enough on matt when i'm around (favorite child much?!) dad just always loses his temper with me anyways i'm the messed up child who apparently he doesn't like much. helen and matt get spoiled beyond belief and what do i get a laugh in the face. we see everything and i mean everything from matts dorm room it's like he's moving back in. he takes the whole week to do millions of loads of laundry. we hear random conversations between him and natalie either in person or over the phone like i'm hearing right now. HAHAHAHAHAHA we hear a lot about why he hates BYU oh and uncle andrew i'm supposed to tell you a lot of people think BYU is the prophets school but the school of prophets is U of U because all or most of the prophets graduated from there.(self righteous much haha jk) we listen to what we call "cabin talk" between him and stephen. steve gets mad at erin, erin fights back we all yell at eachother erin leaves bawling and makes us all feel bad well most of us anyways, matt gets up and takes a walk he can't handle it. if grandmas here she starts using sayings like oh hell stop fighting, or i'm never coming to stay with you guys if your always fighting so we've made a new rule while grandma is here were not allowed(happy aunt heidi haha) to talk to eachother. matt watches tons of ESPN and we never see the TV remote. steve takes matt golfing and kevin usually ends up with them which upsets erin. oh and the best thing he's ever said is what i heard tonight, straight from his mouth you fight again and i'm leaving to go have thanksgiving with natalie we see how it is matt and we love you too. that boy doesn't remember anything before he went to college or his mission does he. hahaha we love when matt comes home best memories of all!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Oh wow.

well politics have grown on me just a little bit thought. not majorly though. i'm only sixteen. my friend today came and got me and was talking to me a little about it and how her parents didn't really care, they voted for McCain just cause he was republican, she has a my space and said that this picture was going around about Obama and it was a picture of him and it said quote "Hitler gave great speeches too" i didn't quite know how to react to it. i haven't seen it didn't even hear about it til today. i guess i don't really know what to say about it even now. i'm scared about what's going to happen, really i am but is it really right to do that. i don't want to sound racist i do sorta agree with it, but if people really felt that way why didn't McCain win? i guess i do agree with the statement. i could really never get a feel for Obama cause you never knew when he was lying or telling the truth unless he made it obvious or at least that's how i felt. i'm only sixteen and i'm not saying i'm right at all. i just don't understand what people really saw in him. my seminary teacher was kinda put on the spot this morning by these boys who were really upset by the election results. seminary is seriously the weirdest place to talk about this stuff to me anyways. so the conversation kept going on and on and on and on. the way i feel about it is we have four years to deal with him. our lives may be a living hell who knows what will happen but once people truly realize what this new president of ours truly is maybe we can get him out of office. i don't know just some thoughts!!! have a good day!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
No i didn't take any pictures while i've been swollen, sorry. But i'm still pretty sore, and still a little swollen. My week consisted of ice cream, drinkable yogurts, 2 smoothies, slurpees, making my dad do burger king runs for me so i could have an icee, and laying on the couch. I found out that theres really nothing on tv and that lortab is amazing. although it put me to sleep within five - ten minutes of me taking it. It was cool to get some attention even though it really frustrated my dad. ( A LOT) The couch gets old though. But i didn't want to be bored up in my room all day! I sat through stupid shows and sometimes found myself watching super why and pbs shows. Weird i know but there is really nothing on during the day. Oh well back to life this week school and everything that goes along with that. I had my first actual meal today it really hurt but oh man it was so good!!! I can't wait for this process to be over. I'm out PEACE!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
I got a text today from my brother Steve saying,"rebels rebels rebels!" i replied saying BYU SUCKS. and his reply to that was you can graduate high school now, you've finally learned. So i'm officially with Rebels SORRY uncle andrew... Haha BYU SUCKS!
Friday, October 24, 2008
my dad said
i should just keep doing the blog even if my sister and sometimes my brother are brats to me... i don't talk to them anyways so i should just ignore them so i guess i'll do that.
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