Sunday, January 18, 2009


People have been asking me how being the bishops daughter is going, or how the bishops family is dealing I've decided to elaborate on it. It has its advantages and disadvantages. It has it's rewards and sometimes it just plain stinks. It's not easy being the bishops daughter and now i understand why people were saying i feel so bad for you at the beginning of this whole process. It is not what i expected to be. It is completely different from having your grandparents as temple presidents so make good choices. It is like living in a glass house. I sometimes feel like i should use the excuse shouldn't i rebel isn't that what bishops kids are supposed to do. Ha I think I've used it before. But every child goes through something. I guess this just has to be one of my somethings that has happened in the last three years. Overall, I'm sure in the future I'll be super grateful for the experience, but for now I'll say I'm dealing fine, it's hard but it can have it's rewards... so life as a bishops daughter may stink but sometimes you come out of the experience with a different aspect on things. I'm sure it will happen a lot more after the however long he has is over. but for now I'll be grateful for what I get, and deal with the other things later. The Lord never gives you more then you can handle right? I've decided to live by that phrase. love you all and hope you have a good day!

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